Saturday, 29 October 2016

Custom module customer portal vtiger

when you create a custom or fresh module in vTiger (6.4 and 6.5), so for displaying it in myc customer portal dashboard side bar panel , we need to modified some tables , after modifying tables you will see your module showing in customer portal dashboard side bar as hyper link. Below are the tables you need to modified.
vtiger_tab : just look for table in mysql and search for your module name get tabid of it.
vtiger_customerportal_tabs: just copy or insert a new record in this table as below colums 
tabid: from vtiger_tab table , visible:1 (do not change) , sequence=MAX ID + 1
vtiger_customerportal_prefs: just copy or insert new record with 
tabid: from table vtiger_tab , prefkey:(do no change) , perfvalue :(do no change)