Below class file handle mysql and mysqli connection & quries. you can select all records as well as can place where clause also saving records , removing records , executing direct query with Mysql OR MySqli as defined in config.php file.
1. Your config.php file will be as below , you can change it and placed values accordingly as your mysql database. resource_type Mysql OR MySqli
$dbconfig['db_server'] = 'localhost'; $dbconfig['db_port'] = ':3306'; $dbconfig['db_username'] = 'root'; $dbconfig['db_password'] = ''; $dbconfig['db_name'] = 'test'; $resource_type='MySqli';
2. Below is MysqlDatabaseMysqli.php class which has functions , you can execute Queries with MySql or MySqli.
require_once 'config.php'; Class MysqlDatabaseMysqli { protected $connection = NULL; protected $connection_string = NULL; protected $associate_type = NULL; function __construct() { global $resource_type; $this->resource_type_string = strtolower($resource_type); switch ($resource_type) { case 'MySql': $this->associate_type = MYSQL_ASSOC; $this->msl_connect(); break; case 'MySqli': $this->associate_type = MYSQLI_ASSOC; $this->msli_connect(); break; default: echo "No resource type define"; exit; break; } } /* * msl->mysql */ function msl_connect() { global $dbconfig; try { if ($link_identifier = @mysql_connect($dbconfig['db_server'], $dbconfig['db_username'], $dbconfig['db_password'])) { $select_db = @mysql_select_db($dbconfig['db_name'], $link_identifier); if (!$select_db) { throw new Exception(mysql_errno() . ' ' . mysql_error()); } $this->connection = $link_identifier; } else { throw new Exception(mysql_errno() . ' ' . mysql_error()); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } /* * msli->mysqli */ function msli_connect() { global $dbconfig; try { if ($link_identifier = @mysqli_connect($dbconfig['db_server'] , $dbconfig['db_username'], $dbconfig['db_password'])) { $select_db = @mysqli_select_db($link_identifier, $dbconfig['db_name']); if (!$select_db) { throw new Exception(mysqli_connect_errno() . ' Unable to select db'); } $this->connection = $link_identifier; } else { throw new Exception(mysqli_connect_errno() . ' Unable to connect'); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } /* * Created By: Boy108zon * @table_name: string * @where: Array */ function get_records($table_name, $where=NULL) { $connect = $this->resource_type_string . '_query'; $num_rows = $this->resource_type_string . '_num_rows'; $connect_close = $this->resource_type_string . '_close'; /* if where included */ $qwhere = ''; if (is_array($where)) { $counter = 0; foreach ($where as $key => $value) { if ($counter > 0) { $qwhere .= ' AND '; } $qwhere .= "$key = '$value'"; $counter++; } $qwhere = 'WHERE ' . $qwhere; } $query = "SELECT * from $table_name $qwhere"; if ($this->resource_type_string == 'mysqli') { $result_resource = $connect($this->connection, $query); } else { $result_resource = $connect($query, $this->connection); } $noOfrows = $num_rows($result_resource); if ($noOfrows > 0) { return $this->db_to_array($result_resource); } else { return NULL; } } /* * Created By: Boy108zon * @table_name: string * @where: Array */ function remove_records($table_name, $where=NULL) { $connect = $this->resource_type_string . '_query'; $affected_rows = $this->resource_type_string . '_affected_rows'; $connect_close = $this->resource_type_string . '_close'; /* if where included */ $qwhere = ''; if (is_array($where)) { $counter = 0; foreach ($where as $key => $value) { if ($counter > 0) { $qwhere .= ' AND '; } $qwhere .= "$key = '$value'"; $counter++; } $qwhere = 'WHERE ' . $qwhere; } $query = "DELETE from $table_name $qwhere"; if ($this->resource_type_string == 'mysqli') { $result_resource = $connect($this->connection, $query); } else { $result_resource = $connect($query, $this->connection); } $idds = $affected_rows($this->connection); //close connection @$connect_close($this->connection); if ($idds > 0) { return $idds; } else { return NULL; } } /* * Created By: Boy108zon * @result->mysql OR mysqli */ function db_to_array($result) { $connection_string = $this->resource_type_string . '_fetch_array'; $rows = array(); while ($row = $connection_string($result, $this->associate_type)) { $rows[] = $row; } //close connection @$connect_close($this->connection); return $rows; } /* * Created By: Boy108zon * @table_name: String * @post_array:Array * @where:Array * @mode:'save' OR edit * Based on mode return type affected rows and latest insert id */ function save_records($table_name, $post_array, $where=NULL, $mode='save') { $connect = $this->resource_type_string . '_query'; $insert_id = $this->resource_type_string . '_insert_id'; $affected_rows = $this->resource_type_string . '_affected_rows'; $connect_close = $this->resource_type_string . '_close'; $count = 0; $fields = ''; foreach ($post_array as $col => $val) { if ($count > 0) { $fields .= ', '; } $fields .= "$col = '$val'"; $count++; } $qwhere = ''; if (is_array($where)) { $counter = 0; foreach ($where as $key => $value) { if ($counter > 0) { $qwhere .= ' AND '; } $qwhere .= "$key = '$value'"; $counter++; } $qwhere = 'WHERE ' . $qwhere; } if ($mode == 'edit') { $query = "UPDATE " . $table_name . " SET $fields $qwhere;"; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO " . $table_name . " SET $fields;"; } if ($this->resource_type_string == 'mysqli') { $result_resource = $connect($this->connection, $query); } else { $result_resource = $connect($query, $this->connection); } if ($mode == 'edit') { $idds = $affected_rows($this->connection); } else { $idds = $insert_id($this->connection); } //close connection @$connect_close($this->connection); if ($idds > 0) { return $idds; } else { return NULL; } } /* * Created By: Boy108zon * @query: full query including inner , where * if required we can also use it. */ function get_direct_query_records($query) { $connect = $this->resource_type_string . '_query'; $num_rows = $this->resource_type_string . '_num_rows'; $connect_close = $this->resource_type_string . '_close'; if ($this->resource_type_string == 'mysqli') { $result_resource = $connect($this->connection, $query); } else { $result_resource = $connect($query, $this->connection); } $noOfrows = $num_rows($result_resource); //close connection @$connect_close($this->connection); if ($noOfrows > 0) { return $this->db_to_array($result_resource); } else { return NULL; } } }
3. You can use it like below
require_once 'MysqlDatabaseMysqli.php'; $dbfun=new MysqlDatabaseMysqli(); $result=$dbfun->get_records('employee',array('name'=>'amit')); //For Retrive records from employee table. $result=$dbfun->get_records('your_table_name'); //edit $result=$dbfun->save_records('your_table_name',$post_array,$where,$mode='Edit'); //save $result=$dbfun->save_records('your_table_name',$post_array); //remove $result=$dbfun->remove_records('your_table_name',array('id'=>6)); // direct query $result=$dbfun->get_direct_query_records($query='select * from employee');
4. You can download class from below