Saturday, 28 January 2017

Add custom module myc customer portal

1. Generally in Vtiger 6.4 we create a module and just check / uncheck accordingly , to be able to see module in Customer Portal. sometime if module not exists in vTiger CRM and we want a custom module without creating it in Vtiger CRM.
2. For example let say i want to redirect a user after successful payment from getway / providers like Paypal, Neteller to Customer portal Transaction Module.Transaction module does not exits in Vtiger CRM.
3. Open your portal.php which will located in root directory of your MYC customer portal. there is a class class Router { and in this class there will be a function static function start() , inside this function $avmod = $GLOBALS["sclient"]->call('get_modules', $params); , $avmod array will contained all the module which are allowed from vTiger CRM. Below is code your need append , to display Transaction link in side bar of your MYC customer portal.
    $avmod = array_merge(array("Home", 'Transaction'), $avmod);
4. Generally , transaction module contained two function success and cancel , so we need to allowed these two function whenever a request come to access Transaction success and cancel functions.Below condition / Code allowed you to access these function in MYC customer portal. You need to placed these condition inside class Router {}.
 else if ($targetmodule == 'Transaction' && isset($_REQUEST['fun']) && $_REQUEST['fun'] == 'success')
 else if ($targetmodule == 'Transaction' && isset($_REQUEST['fun']) && $_REQUEST['fun'] == 'cancel')
5. Now create a folder customerportal\modules\Transaction and create a file index.php and place below code
class Transaction extends BaseModule {
 function get_success() {
  $root_directory = $GLOBALS['root_dir'];
  // Associated Transaction AS Deposit , Custom module Exists in vTiger CRM 6.4
  $data['module'] = ($this->module == 'Transaction') ? 'Deposit' : '';
  $data['contactid'] = $_SESSION["loggeduser"]['id'];
  $data['sessionid'] = $_SESSION["loggeduser"]['sessionid'];
  $getway_order_id = $_SESSION["getway_order_id"];
  $order_id = isset($_GET['orid']) ? $_GET['orid'] : '';
  $payment_method = isset($_GET['pm']) ? $_GET['pm'] : '';
  $sparams = array(
  'id' => $_SESSION["loggeduser"]['id'],
  'module' => ($this->module == 'Transaction') ? 'Deposit' : '',
  'sessionid' => $_SESSION["loggeduser"]['sessionid'],
  'getway_order_id' => $getway_order_id,
  'order_id' => $order_id,
  'payment_method' => $payment_method,
  'paypal_payer_id' => $payer_id
 //first validate order id
 $order_info = $GLOBALS["sclient"]->call('get_order_info', array($order_id));
 if (isset($order_info) && count($order_info) > 0 && $order_info != "") {
  $result = $this->do_save_transation($payment_method, $sparams);
 if (isset($uresult) && count($uresult) > 0 && $uresult != "") {
 if (isset($_SESSION["getway_order_id"])) {
 $redirectUrl = 'index.php?module=Deposit&action=index';
 header("Location: $redirectUrl");
public function do_save_transation($payment_method, $sparams) {
 switch ($payment_method) {
  case 'Neteller':
  case 'Paypal':
  case 'Skrill':
  case 'Debit/CreditCard':
  return $result;
function get_cancel() {
 $data['module'] = ($this->module == 'Transaction') ? 'Deposit' : '';
 $data['contactid'] = $_SESSION["loggeduser"]['id'];
 $data['sessionid'] = $_SESSION["loggeduser"]['sessionid'];
 $getway_order_id = $_SESSION["getway_order_id"];
 $order_id = isset($_GET['orid']) ? $_GET['orid'] : '';
 $payment_method = isset($_GET['pm']) ? $_GET['pm'] : '';
 $sparams = array(
  'id' => $_SESSION["loggeduser"]['id'],
  'module' => ($this->module == 'Transaction') ? 'Deposit' : '',
  'sessionid' => $_SESSION["loggeduser"]['sessionid'],
  'getway_order_id' => $getway_order_id,
  'order_id' => $order_id,
  'payment_method' => $payment_method,
  'paypal_payer_id' => $payer_id
 $result = $GLOBALS["sclient"]->call('do_cancel_transaction', array($sparams));
  if (isset($result) && count($result) > 0 && $result != "") {
 if (isset($_SESSION["getway_order_id"])) {
 $redirectUrl = 'index.php?module=Deposit&action=index&status=';
 header("Location: $redirectUrl");