Showing you some examples of creating store procedure in mysql.
1. "At The Rate" sign used for local variable declare.
2. For calling a store procedure use function below. i am using Codeigniter.
public function AddBooking(){ $sql="call usp_AddBooking()"; $parameters=array(); $query = $this->db->query($sql,$parameters); return $query->result(); } DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `usp_AddBooking` $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `usp_AddBooking`( IN iVendorId INT, IN iCustomerId INT, IN iServiceId INT, IN dServiceBookingTime DATETIME, IN dArrivalTime DATETIME ) BEGIN DECLARE iBookingId INT default 0; BEGIN -- ERROR set ErrorCode = -999; rollback; END; DECLARE exit handler for sqlwarning BEGIN -- WARNING set ErrorCode = -888; rollback; END; START TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO skin_booking (iVendorId ,iCustomerId ,iServiceId ,dServiceBookingTime ,dArrivalTime ,eStatus ,dCreatedDate ,iBookingId ) VALUES (iVendorId ,iCustomerId ,iServiceId ,dServiceBookingTime ,dArrivalTime ,'1' ,NOW() ,iBookingId ); SET @iBookingId = LAST_INSERT_ID(); SELECT @iBookingId as BookingId; COMMIT; END$$
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